CIRCUITS WITH A BANG If boxing and circuits had a baby....it might look a little something like this. Circhit gives you a perfect blend of boxing, strength and conditioning and general fitness as you race from station to station punching, press-upping and powering through whatever is in front of you. Each station will focus on a specific body part with some stations including a boxing related drill - such as hitting the heavy bag, weighted shadowboxing or even padwork! Our coaches will guide you to perfect your form on every single exercise whilst encouraging you to get as many reps as possible, making sure you make the most out of every session and know what it takes to be fighting fit. High-intensity, high energy and highly enjoyable - you can expect a serious calorie burn and with some consistency, some serious changes! The session: 5 mins warm up, 50 mins circuit rotating between different boxing, bodyweight, or equipment based stations, 5 mins stretch. All levels welcome. Mixed men and women.